
The Power of Repair

As parents, we strive to create loving, nurturing environments where our children feel safe, seen, and supported. But let's face it—conflict is bound to happen as it's a natural part of every relationship.

So what's the secret to maintaining strong, healthy relationships in the face of...

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The Great Outdoors: Why Getting Our Children into Nature Matters

In today's fast-paced, tech-driven world, it's easy for children (and ourselves) to spend more time indoors than out. But did you know that immersing our kids in nature can have profound benefits for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being? Here are just a few of the benefits (for both...

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Parental Preference: Why Kids Have Favourites and How to Navigate It

As parents, we pour our hearts and souls into raising our children, hoping to nurture strong, loving bonds that will last a lifetime. So, it can be a bit disheartening when we notice that our little ones seem to have a preference for one parent over the other or it can be exhausting to be the one...

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How to Teach the Difference Between Feelings and Needs

We know how important it is to teach our children about emotions but did you know that there's a crucial distinction between feelings and needs? Knowing the difference is a must if you want to build a strong foundation for your child to build on.

Understanding Feelings vs. Needs

Feelings are the...

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Understanding Stress: The Three Kinds You Need to Know

Stress—it's a word we hear often in today's fast-paced world. But did you know that not all stress is created equal? In fact, there are three distinct types of stress, each with its own unique impact on our health and well-being - both for us and our kids. In this blog post, I talk about...

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A Guide to Creating a Calming Corner

We all know that wrangling the emotions of our younger kids can sometimes feel like herding cats. From giggles to tantrums, they keep us on our toes! But we've got a secret weapon in our parenting arsenal: the calm down corner. These corners can help create a cozy corner that'll be your kiddo's...

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Which Parenting Style Works Best For You?

When it comes to parenting, there are so many different ways out there. With numerous approaches to choose from, finding the right balance can feel like navigating uncharted territory. Even though it feels like there are so many types out there, they all revolve around three main parenting styles...

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Embracing Guilt and Overcoming Shame in Parenting

Do you know the difference between guilt and shame in parenting? We all know that parenting comes with its fair share of challenges, and it's easy to feel guilty when we fall short of our own expectations. But there's a big difference between healthy guilt and harmful shame, and understanding...

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How to Manage Your Anger in Parenting

Let's talk about something that's all too familiar for many of us yet not very talked about – anger. Parenthood comes with its fair share of challenges, and it's normal to feel frustrated or overwhelmed from time to time. But how do we keep our cool when the pressure is on?

First things...

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Nurturing Attachment Through Mealtimes

Feeding time isn't just about filling those tiny tummies – it's a special opportunity to strengthen the bond between you and your little one. Now that your baby is turning one and diving into the world of solid foods, let's chat about how to keep that attachment strong during mealtime.


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Nurturing Yourself: How to Handle Tough Emotions as a Parent

Parenthood is an emotional journey filled with both highs and lows. While there are lots of moments of joy and love, there are also times when difficult emotions arise, testing our resilience as parents. In the midst of the challenges, it's crucial to prioritize our own well-being and develop...

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A Gentle Guide to Transitioning Baby to Their Own Room

As your baby grows, you may be getting ready to transition them from sleeping in your room to their own space. While this transition can feel overwhelming, there are some gentle strategies to help you navigate this transition smoothly.

Begin by introducing the idea of sleeping in their own room...

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