
How Much Is Too Much? Calculating Your Childā€™s Screen Time

Screen time is one of the hottest topics in parenting right now, and it makes sense. We’re surrounded by technology in every aspect of our lives, from our parenting resources to e-books to entertainment and communicating with our friends. Our children are no different.

The main question is...

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Simplify Parenting And Support Your Childā€™s Development The Easy Way

“Do I actually need this [insert new toy, program or extra-curricular activity]?”

I get asked this question often, and the answer almost every time is… no, you don’t.

Because as a parent, it can feel like you need to have all the answers — and if you don’t...

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How To Teach Your Child To Read The Easy Way

Recently, I started teaching one of my kids to read. We’ve gone through nursery rhymes, phonics and reading every day, and seeing this world open up for him is exciting. 

Don’t get me wrong… It can be challenging to teach your child to read. What if they’re bad at...

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Is Your Child Ready To Start Signing Back?

One of the most common questions I get asked is… "When should I start signing with my baby?

The short answer? It’s never too early.

Sign language is a great way to communicate with your child before they're able to speak — it can help them learn faster, develop their...

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How To Know If Your Child Is Ready To Be Potty Trained

Many parents are eager to potty train their children as soon as possible, but it's important to ask: Is your child actually ready? Although there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are certain indicators to watch for. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guide to Toilet...

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Your Babyā€™s Mind Explained: Cognition, Memory & More

When you look at your little one, it’s easy to think there's not much going on just yet. Your baby is completely reliant on you, after all, and they might not even be able to hold their head up.

The reality is that your baby is smarter than you think. Their minds are diligently working to...

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How To Encourage Your Child's Confidence & Independence

Ok parents, I have to ask… Does anyone else feel like they have to do it all

I know how quickly I used to get exhausted from the long list of household chores, outdoor activities and other expected parenting to-dos that never seem to end. And ideally, your child will eventually help...

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5 Simple Activities To Teach Your Child About Colours

Has your pediatrician or family doctor asked your child if they can name colours yet? If not, they likely will soon because this skill is about more than your child's developing vision — it’s actually a milestone in their cognitive development.

The ability to distinguish between...

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Help Your Baby Develop Their Vision With These 5 Activities

I often hear parents talk about how vision is natural, and although this is true to a point, you can also help strengthen your child's eyesight to reach their full potential.

Here are five ways you can help boost your baby’s visual skills:

1. Make Them Look Around

Encourage your baby to...

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How Music Impacts Your Child's Development (& Why It Matters)

Music is an incredibly powerful tool. After a long day of parenting, a single song can reduce my stress, elevate my mood and even stimulate memories at times.

So it's no surprise that music has a similar effect on children. In fact, music plays an instrumental part in their learning and...

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The Power of Pretend Play (& How You Can Encourage It)

The act of playing is a huge part of growing up. I used to spend hours as a child building cities with my parents’ Tupperware containers, hosting tea parties for my closest friends (aka my stuffed animals), and journeying into space on my "rocket ship" (better known as my bed).

As a child,...

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Why Bother with Tummy Time (+ 6 Tips to Make it Fun Again)

Sleep is a big challenge for parents of newbornsI know it was for me! 

But it’s even more stressful when you're worried about your baby developing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Back in 1994, the American Academy of Pediatrics launched a campaign to lower the number of infant...

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