Be The Kind Of Parent


No parent starts off knowing what to do,
children do not come with instructions...


Without conscious effort, our parenting methods can create conflict with our children instead of connection. Most of us naturally parent as we ourselves were parented, which in modern times often creates conflict, frustration and endless power struggles. Leaving us with broken, distant relationships with our children and feeling powerless and frustrated.

It’s Never Too Late to Turn Things Around

No matter what your relationship with your child(ren) looks like right now, or how frustrated with parenting you are, there is hope. It can be difficult to see a different way forward but I promise you it is there. I can help you find it.

Hi! I'm Megan

I became a parenting coach because I saw so many good parents struggling with their children. A journey I was all too familiar with. When the pandemic hit, I became the kind of mom I never wanted to be and really was not enjoying being a parent. I knew my old way of parenting was breaking my connection with my kids but no matter what I tried, nothing was working until I went through this coaching program myself. The experience was life changing and went far beyond my parenting.

Once I understood and experienced how possible and life-changing it was to turn things around and build a relationship with my children based on mutual trust, respect and understanding I became deeply passionate about supporting other families in this life-changing work.

I am a mom of three amazing children ages 4, 6, and 8. They teach me new things about myself and life daily and have helped me grow so much as a human. My background includes supporting parents in group homes, as a family life educator, and as a foster parent.

I strongly believe there are no bad parents, just a lack of support and skills they haven't yet had access to. I also believe all children deserve to be loved and guided by the best version each of us have to offer them, as parents. I love the work I do in helping parents realize their true parenting potential and how amazing their relationships with their kids could actually be.

The traditional model of parenting isn't working


Do you worry you will spend the rest of your parenting life struggling with your children's behaviour, feeling frustrated and like you’re just not doing a good job as a parent? Do you worry that you're failing your children and not preparing them adequately for life?

Life and society have changed since we were children, but parenting hasn't kept up. No one teaches us how to be the kind of parents we long to be nowadays. Most of us have less support and less time to parent than our parents did, and children's lives are different with the introduction of screen time and other modern additions. Without conscious parenting methods we often slip into the parenting styles that we ourselves experienced as children, these often don't feel good to us and don't get the results and connection we long for.

It's hard to admit when we need help with parenting because society just expects us just to know how to successfully parent our own children. I understand how truly hard parenting can be and I understand the shame of feeling like you're failing at it... I've been there. No one talks about it, but the shame is there, like a dirty secret.

When you contact me you will be met with understanding, a willingness to actively listen to you without judgement and a supportive shoulder to lean on. I will personally help you to learn and grow into the parent you truly want to be, bringing peace and joy to your home. I'll be there to guide and support you every step of the way. Together, let's empower you to be the parent you truly want to be!

How it works?

When you book a complimentary call with me
, we’ll sit down together and talk so I can get a sense of what’s going on for you and your family and let you know how I can support you.

I’ll explain my approach and the options we have for working together. You can ask any questions you have and see what type of support would be the best fit for your life and schedule.

If it feels right to you, we can book our first session and get started.  If it’s not a good fit, I will do my best to offer alternative resources or suggestions for support, wherever possible. There’s no pressure of any kind, simply an opportunity to see if we are a good fit to work together.

Download a breakdown of what we cover in 12 weeks together here

"The largest impact I have experienced through this program is the shift in the relationship with my children." - Jennifer Wright

 Ready to stop feeling frustrated with parenting and instead feel confident in your relationship with your child?


Stop blaming yourself and take the first step towards becoming the kind of parent you know you can be.

Schedule a Free Call

 *Fees available on a sliding scale*