Making Connections

An in-person program for parents and their children to help you create

a strong attachment through activities, music, books, and play.

For parents of ages 0-3 years old

*This program is free*

What is attachment?

The core of every loving relationship is a secure attachment.

A positive emotional bond with a parent that affects how children feel about themselves, how they get along with others, how they communicate, and how they learn.

It is the most important child development experience a child has but it's not something we learn as a parent.

Making Connections provides you with easy to understand information and simple activities that support you and your child to build a strong attachment.

This work is more important than any extra-curricular activity you could ever register for.

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This is for you if you...


– desire loving, connected relationships with your children (even if it doesn't come naturally to you)

– love your children deeply but are unsure how to build an attachment with them

– want to feel confident in how to handle your child's feelings and development

– want to feel connected in your parenting again

You are not alone.

You deserve the tools and resources to build better connections with your children to set them up for life.


The bond you create with your child sets their foundation for life.


Over 7 weeks we will cover the following topics designed to give you the confidence to connect with your child and build the best relationship possible. Each week will have information about the topic as well as ways to support your child through activities, books, music, and play.

Creating A Loving Connection

Loving connection is an emotional bond between parent and child in which the child is unconditionally loved and protected.

Being A Secure Base

A secure base helps a child to feel secure inside themselves, seek comfort when needed, handle the ups and downs of life, and feel curious and confident to explore their world.

Accepting Feelings

Children need to have their feelings accepted to be able to develop a positive sense of themselves, express how they feel rather than act out in the “wrong” ways, eventually learn how to cope with their own feelings and understand those of others.

Setting Limits With Love

Children need limits to develop self control/self regulation, avoid hurting themselves or others, learn what’s expected within their family and community, and feel safe and emotionally secure.

Promoting Language

Children need to hear language spoken to and around them to be able to: absorb the sounds and rhythms of their main language, connect the wiring in their brain that’s responsible for language, learn words to express and control emotions, and learn words to help remember their early thoughts and experiences.

Having Baby Conversations

Children need baby conversations to: feel connected to people that love them, learn the language of their community, practice sounds, words, gestures they know and learn new ones, keep advancing to higher levels of language, develop social skills they need to get along with peers.

Being A Play Partner

Play allows children to: socialize, problem solve, think symbolically, work out their real-life anxieties, and stretch their imagination and creativity.

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Navigating all of the information about what you're supposed to be doing as a parent can drive a person crazy. I know this - because I was that person. When I first became a parent, I over achieved - trying to do it all, and be it all for my kids.

But in trying to do it all, I actually ended up over stressed, and not a very present mom.

As a mom of three and certified parenting coach with a Bachelor of Psychology with a focus on development and attachment, Child and Youth Counseling diploma, a baby signs and child development instructor, and nearly a decade working in the foster care system - its safe to say I have the resources and training to help you.

I've seen first hand what it looks like when a child doesn't have secure connections - and it's truly why I wanted to bring this course to you, so together, we can support more generations of kids in building strong attachments.

Building a secure connection and loving our children isn't the same thing.


Building a secure connection is a two-way process where both you and your child read and respond to each other's cues. But it all starts with you as the parent feeling safe enough to offer your kids that security.

If you grew up in a chaotic household, or in an environment where secure connections weren't offered to you, it can be extremely difficult.

Understanding how you form relationships and how your children connect to you, their primary caretaker, will help you better understand disruptive behaviours, development, and how best to support your kids.

It requires thought, resiliency and support to have healthy connections with your children.

But you don’t have to do it alone.

Making Connections is the essential guide to this work.

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Making Connections will help you develop an understanding why a secure attachment is so important for your child and strengthen your relationship with your child while navigating the give and take of everyday life.

Feel more confident in your parenting than ever before, and join today.

I'm Ready to Make Connections